@ Drearyweather:
Franz, Chitty and Greenlees were forced to "resign". lol
@ Drearyweather:
Franz, Chitty and Greenlees were forced to "resign". lol
That's like turning down a job making $150,000 a year with benefits for life. Plus you'll never get fired and its easy work.
anyone remember 1992?
i can remember i was in the cult.
times were changing at a rapid pace.
1992? How about 2001? I thought for sure that with 9/11, we were right there. That was over 17 years ago...already.
kind of sad to see something as sacred as the Office of the President of the
United States reduced to this. It has really become a joke.
last saturday morning, i answered a knock at my door to see a man standing next to a young boy who handed me a pamphlet posing the question, "how do you view the bible?
would you say it is (1) a book of human wisdom?
(2) a book of myths and legends?
Good job Roger. You treated the man and his son with respect and in turn, they did the same and listened to you. Who knows?
i knew of several elders who would tell their wife's everything that happened in a committee meeting.
he is still and elder and very old but i doubt he has changed.
we used to call him.
Happens all the time.
so much is said regarding men , in a negative way.
shaving commercials are now lecturing us as to how bad we really are.
men should be less masculine.
reading the thread on mind numbing meetings reminds me of the following event that occurred when i was about 19.. i'd got a full time job away after leaving school and was working about 20 miles away - thursday night meetings necessitated working later , catching a 6.10pm bus after work and walking 10 minutes or so straight to the kh , often arriving just as the meetings were starting or a few minutes late and getting the "evil eye" from some of the jws when i arrived.
my parents ( father was the presiding overseer ) would bring my clothes in the car and i would get changed into my suit in the kh toilets.. it was one of those moments when all the stars seemed to align.
i had had a particularly stressful day at work and was even more tired & hungry than usual on a thursday night.
Very interesting dozy.
can anyone direct me to the tony "tightpants" morris talk he gave in the agm where he revealed the new king of the north?
i'm told via the jw grapevine it was entitled "this is it!"..
is there a video?
i can now say that i'm not alone to know ttatt in my congregation, after all.. i have come to know that my close friend is awake, even without me sharing the ttatt with him/her.
on one of our recent conversations i mentioned about being tired and no longer being uplifted anymore, and my friend then told me he/she was feeling the same.
i don't know how it happened but we knew we could trust each other.
It wouldn't surprise me if there were even more in that congregation.